DEFINITIONS (Unity, Truth, Healing)

As I sought within myself for words I would love to say to my country during this fragile season, I composed a series of 3 short poems that I named ‘Definitions (Unity, Truth, and Healing) ’. My message to you all is within those lines… I hope you find it.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Natasha N. Muhoza

As I sought within myself for words I would love to say to my country during this fragile season, I composed a series of 3 short poems that I named ‘Definitions (Unity, Truth, and Healing) ’. My message to you all is within those lines… I hope you find it.UNITYThere is powerThere is hopeIt is louderIt can’t be stoppedIt means strengthIt means healthIt means victory It means destinyOur source of directionOur sense of motivationOur courage and determinationOur deserving of a standing ovationA world beyond impossibilitiesA country of renewed abilitiesA society of responsibilityA home of credibilityCreation of unbreakable bondFormation of an inerasable dreamReclamation of a long lost pastFoundation of a remarkable futureUnity… the antidoteUnity… the essenceUnity…the solutionUnity… Rwanda’s only way out! TRUTHOur vision, our pathwayOur hope, our doorwayInto our futureInto our dreamOur strength, our guiding lightOur courage, our soul’s plightOur confrontation of our pastOur attachment to our rootsOur estrangement from despairOur platform for battleAgainst our true enemiesDeceit and divisionDiscouragement and detachment From our purposeFrom our prayerRwanda’s encounter with Victory!HEALINGThe story we are left to tellThe journey whose end we’re yet to seeThe highlight of our banners The sunlight over our fieldsHealing is the warmth in our homesHealing is the beauty of our citiesHealing is the song on our lipsHealing… should be our very heartbeatOf the people of this landOf child, woman or manRiver or lakeHill and valleyHealing… Rwanda’s shield!