A blessing in disguise

Sometimes bad things happen and you are left shattered. You get angry with God and blame Him for the mishap. You are convinced that He has forsaken you as He could have prevented the tragedy from happening.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Even when things aren't the way they should be, never lose hope. Net photo

Sometimes bad things happen and you are left shattered. You get angry with God and blame Him for the mishap. You are convinced that He has forsaken you as He could have prevented the tragedy from happening.You ask yourself questions like "why me of all people?” and for a moment you loathe life... maybe even contemplate suicide or wish you were never born.Jackson, a telecommunications corporate, woke up to the news of an impending transfer from his work station where he had been for almost twenty years, to a far-off and remote place. He had nothing to do but to detest the motion in silence. He couldn’t imagine leaving his friends and everything he had gotten used to behind.  Starting a whole new life in the most distant of villages seemed like the worst kind of punishment. He appealed to his bosses to reconsider but nothing helpful came out, so he did as he was told. However when he got there, to his surprise, the place wasn’t as bad as he had feared. The people were friendly and accommodative, the social services were just as good, and the weather was fair. The biggest consolation of all was that he got promoted; his pay, allowances and other privileges tripled. The moral of this story is that if something negative or unpleasant happens, it doesn’t mean the world has come to an end. Most times these horrible, painful and unfair experiences are out to test our willpower and spirit--- leaving us stronger, more resolved and sometimes more successful as a result.If life was just a smooth sail, without trials and tribulations, it would be nothing but a dull, boring and pointless trek; it would be silky smooth but a severely uninteresting ride to nowhere.Even people who live wealthy lives go through pain, toil, misery, disaster and hopelessness. This makes them battle harder and their ambition doubles. This is how they achieve their enviable lives.It is problems that shape us into what we are. And contrary to popular belief, there can be hope even after a bad experience. Therefore if there is a threat, test or catastrophe, don’t despair because it doesn’t have to be disastrous all the way. Have hope and faith and fight towards making something positive out of a helpless situation.