All children must go to school

Editor, I wish to commend the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion for its intensive campaign to see that the children rights are protected.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Editor,I wish to commend the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion for its intensive campaign to see that the children rights are protected.The government, the private sector and other responsible Rwandans have come out strongly to campaign against child labour. Eliminating child labour should be everybody’s responsibility, and not the government’s alone.The Ministry of Public Service and Labour needs to visit all homes especially those of families who hire young children who are supposed to be in school to work as house helps.There is no reason whatsoever why any Rwandan child should not be in school because the government has made education affordable to everyone. It is always important to remember that today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders.Augustine GakayaNyagatare