No bouquets for Wade

Editor,Annie, in The New Times, March, 28 praises Abdoulaye Wade for conceding election defeat. This, after he sought a third term against the constitution, and failing to win an outright majority in the first round.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Editor,Annie, in The New Times, March, 28 praises Abdoulaye Wade for conceding election defeat. This, after he sought a third term against the constitution, and failing to win an outright majority in the first round. By virtue of his biological and political age, what Wade was trying to do is like an old man fighting over breakfast with his grandchildren.Wade, one of the architects of the NEPAD and its APRM initiative, slipped when he spentmillions on a monument meant to be higher than the Statue of Freedom in the US, amidst poverty in his nation.We give kudos to the Senegalese, whose tranquility nurtured during the wise reign of Leopold Sedar Senghor was beginning to be ruffled by Wade and his family.Born and bred in a culture where elders are respected, I won’t say much against Mzee, only that as part of his retirement, he may need some months once in a year to live among the Masaai, to rediscover the African roots and roles of elders, which is fast eroding elsewhere on the continent.Matsiko DB KahungaPeers Consult Ltd