Binagwaho berates health workers over poor service delivery

Health providers received a tongue lashing from Health Minister, Dr Agnes Binagwaho, over poor service delivery at the weekend. She said before pointing more efforts should be exerted to change the trend.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Some of the doctors who attended the retreat. The New Times / Timothy Kisambaira.

Health providers received a tongue lashing from Health Minister, Dr Agnes Binagwaho, over poor service delivery at the weekend. She said before pointing more efforts should be exerted to change the trend. This was on the sidelines of a meeting that brought together administrators from all hospitals and health centres countrywide, who had convened in Kigali to review the status of sector the performance as well as get recommendations on how to improve services.Binagwaho acknowledged that poor service delivery still subsisted in several parts of the country. She, however, added that she was optimistic the trend would be turned around. "There are some districts, like Nyagatare, that are not performing well but we are going to assess each district and where they lack, we shall be able to provide the necessary support."Our objective is to improve the health of our nationals and the health ministry is willing to give what is important to all Rwandans,” the minister stated.She, however, said that 70 per cent of all Rwandans appreciated the services that the ministry provided adding that more efforts were needed to raise the percentage.The coordinator of government hospitals in the ministry, Bonaventure Nzeyimana, told the media that what was vital was to change the attitudes of all nationals."We know the problem and to solve it is just a matter of changing the attitudes. For example, on Malaria, some people need more sensitisation on the importance of using mosquito nets,” he commented.Recently, Prime Minister Dr Pierre Damien Habumuremyi, met the heads of hospitals and health centres in which he lamented poor service delivery in the facilities. He warned that an immediate solution was needed to cater for the wellbeing of all nationals. The Premier noted that instead of attending to patients, some doctors were busy communicating on their phones; a practice he instructed should change forthwith."I went to a hospital recently and the doctor started receiving calls instead of attending to me. If they did that to me, imagine what happens to people upcountry or those without money. This is a bad culture that should be stopped immediately,” he said.During the meeting, participants agreed that suggestion boxes in all hospitals and health centres should be opened by mayors instead of hospital managers.  They further recommended that phone-numbers of all hospital administrators and mayors should be placed at the entrance of all health care facilities for citizens to call in case they are not attended to.