160 couples tie knot in mass wedding

Kayonza–One hundred and sixty couples from Gahini Sector, who were previously cohabiting, exchanged their vows at a mass wedding ceremony over the weekend.

Monday, April 02, 2012
Couples making the 'until death do us apart' vow in Gahini sector over the weekend. The New Times / S. Rwembeho.

Kayonza–One hundred and sixty couples from Gahini Sector, who were previously cohabiting, exchanged their vows at a mass wedding ceremony over the weekend.Talking to The New Times, some of the couples said tying the knot as called for by law would help then sort out several problems they encountered in their households."We have been together for eight years and have four children. I was never happy until today… with the knot, my confidence is high,” remarked Dorothy Musaniwabo, 37, one of the couples.After the ceremony, which was conducted by the sector leader, the groups left in pairs to celebrate the day with families and friends.Executive Secretary of Gahini Sector, Saveri Murangira, said the event was a landmark in the area during the month of March that is dedicated to the women and girl-child adding that more families would tie the knot in coming days. "Through legalising marriages, women and children will be assured of their rights on property and address the issue of polygamy among men,” Murangira said.