MSF condemns shelling in Mogadishu

International humanitarian medical charity, Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) on Saturday condemned the shelling of its hospital in Mogadishu which took place on Friday.

Monday, April 02, 2012

International humanitarian medical charity, Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) on Saturday condemned the shelling of its hospital in Mogadishu which took place on Friday. In a statement issued in Nairobi, the medical charity called on the parties to the conflict to respect the neutrality of the Daynile Hospital, along with that of all medical facilities in Somalia, and to respect the safety of the hospital’s patients and staff. "There were no casualties among the hospital’s 19 patients or staff (which includes 36 medical personnel and 12 guards), all of whom are presently seeking shelter from the shelling in the internal medicine department,” it said. The Friday shelling of Daynile Hospital in Mogadishu began in the morning in the neighborhood of Daynile, located in an outlying area of Mogadishu.