The Hater: I hate people who....

…still use very archaic methods to solve problems. I seriously thought it was a joke when I saw on the news that soldiers in Mali had engineered a military coup, deposing their president who only had a month left in office.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

…still use very archaic methods to solve problems. I seriously thought it was a joke when I saw on the news that soldiers in Mali had engineered a military coup, deposing their president who only had a month left in office. Who does that in 2012? I honestly thought coups were a thing of the past. For a moment I thought I had tuned into the history channel. And don’t you just hate the fact that they are promising democracy yet they have just raped the same institution. I wonder who even gives birth to such imbeciles. We clearly don’t need them in this era. If they have nothing better to do with their time then they should try online video games, the ones that are war related.         …use expressions they do not really mean. I know I have said it before that people who over use the expression LOL are only buying space on this page. However, I have a new found hatred for people who use this expression yet they are not even laughing at all. Why do you type LOL yet your facial expression resembles that of Joseph Kony’s victims? If it is not funny then please save us the drama of pretence. Those who use it as an excuse for having run out of things to say need to be shown the power button on their laptop, phone or iPad. If you have nothing to say do not hide behind LOL.    …think they have to be begged to do their job. Someone wakes up one day and writes an application letter then goes for an interview and is given a job complete with a salary at the end of the month. But after a few salaries the fellow thinks he/she is doing all of us a favour by attending to us or simply doing whatever it is they are paid to do. I don’t think I have enough room to express how much I hate such people. It is annoying to even think that there are lots of other people who can do the same job yet these jokers think what they do is an act of immense love for humanity. Someone please take away such people’s pay cheques so they can do real charity work. …arrive at work very drunk. If you think I am talking about drinking water and not alcohol then you should be in elementary school and not here reading my column. But yes where was I, yeah on those thirsty empty heads that show up at work smelling like brewery. I thought you took the beer to get drunk and happy not to inconvenience other decent people like The Hater. Although beer companies make lots of money from such people, I still think they should stay at home and get fresh instead of disturbing world peace by showing up in public.    …have no morals at all and yet they continue to live in.  The other day I read about a medical worker who raped a pregnant woman. Shortly after that I read about the Turkish guy who molested over 50 young girls in Uganda. I swear if you don’t hate such people then you should send me your address so that I can send these two guys to live with you and your children or wife. Seriously if you think about what these people did you can only wish their parents had used abortion as a contraceptive option. With such useless brains I even wonder how they made it through childhood without anyone noticing that society does not need them.   Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293