Having the balls to Man-up

One thing for sure to all men is that at some point in life we know there are things that are going to take place but what we don’t know is what form it would take, where it would come from and when it would show up.

Sunday, April 01, 2012
A responsible man does not avoid commitment. Net Photo.

One thing for sure to all men is that at some point in life we know there are things that are going to take place but what we don’t know is what form it would take, where it would come from and when it would show up. Nonetheless, there is never a question that it is going to take place. Men have such an understanding of things that have nothing to do with perception, intellect, or insight. Rather it is all about routine.As long as a man starts dating reasonably, the foreseeable situation that requires them to ‘Man-up” is known to most of them because most of them will bear the burden but don’t know how to deal with it. Here, am referring to a force of motivation and support that’s helping women in their relationship struggle with men. "Manning-up "as the ladies call it is more than thought, an argument or even a saying. Women are continuously being irritated by the lapse in the nation’s manhood core.Talking to my good friend recently, she told me how the world is now full of men who don’t have the nerve to tell ladies what they really want to do or what is in his heart. An example she gives; "Men tell us many lies when they want a break-up instead of telling us the truth and we deal with it. In the long run, even when it’s obvious, the trust of friendship is long gone.” She says men should have some "balls” and man-up.   This is a situation that has enabled ladies be enthusiastic and firm in their belief that they can handle on their own. We have ladies these days throwing only girl-parties or movie nights after which they sit to sip on coffee and talk about men who cheated on them, lied or been less than straightforward while telling them that they loved them. Now, this has created a situation where more ladies are guarding themselves against such men and concentrating on their careers, work and families while evaluating their own situations in the security of a setting that has served to sustain them in their moments of love’s many trials and tribulations. The issue here, men should be confident and man-up when dealing with critical issues. As men, we shouldn’t try explaining a problem by creating another. I have come to realize that women are emotionally strong and they deal with the brutal truth; it is the heavy burden of uncertainty that she can’t live with if the man is not straightforward. For many ladies, this article will touch an exposed spirit because the situation is real; it’s a manifestation of their life, a life that has been affected by a man who wouldn’t or couldn’t be completely open, or who wouldn’t or couldn’t be fair to her.Truth be told, relationships are now a two-way traffic. Ladies deserve the right to expect the man to whom she gives her love, her trust, her soul and her devotion to do the right thing when it comes to their relationship even if he has to be brave and end it.This got me thinking how ladies endure unnecessary indignities related with matters of the heart because many a man basically don’t know what it means to be a man. Men forget that being a man is not about the number of female conquests, bottles of beer that can be galloped, football facts that they know or settling for the path of least resistance. Being a man is about responsibility, reliability, dependability and truth. It’s about ambition, dedication, discipline and determination. It’s about doing the right thing even when it hurts, even when you’re afraid of the consequences, even when you’re the only one who knows that you’re doing the right thing. Being a man is about how you love your wife, girl-friend or fiancé. Respect her, honour her, and empower her. It’s about not only hearing what she says, but listening to what she says. Being a man is about being a committed and compassionate father to your children from diapers to graduation and beyond.