PSF wants to attend parliamentary sessions

Members of Private Sector Federation (PSF) on Friday tabled their request to attend parliamentary sessions so that they give their views on laws that affect them.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Members of Private Sector Federation (PSF) on Friday tabled their request to attend parliamentary sessions so that they give their views on laws that affect them.They argued that they are affected by some laws that are passed without considering the views of the public because sometimes they don’t understand them. PSF chairman Faustin Mbundu said that a permanent forum of interaction between parliament and PSF is necessary so as to help solve their problems."We suggest that some members from our federation be allowed to regularly attend standing committee meetings in order to give their views on behalf of the rest,” he said.Mbundu cited the need for constant sensitisation aimed at creating awareness about laws which govern trade and business, saying that not all private business owners are conversant with such laws.Alphonse Hakizimana, an entrepreneur from Bugesera district, said that some laws that govern taxes on businesses need to be revised.He gave an example where goods manufactured in East Africa are taxed before they enter the country.However, Senate President Dr. Jean Damascene Ntawukuriryayo stated that it is wrong for traders to pay tax on goods that are manufactured in any of the East African Community member states."As a trader, if you posses a certificate of origin for your products, report to the nearest authority if you have been asked to pay tax,” Ntawukuriryayo advised them.Speaker Rose Mukantabana also called upon the public to come out with any suggestions on how best they want Parliament to conduct its business.