Ethiopian MPs on country tour

The Minister of Gender and Family Promotion, Aloisea Inyumba, on Thursday received a delegation of senior political leaders of women MPs of the Leadership Parliamentary Caucus from Ethiopia.

Sunday, April 01, 2012
Members of the Ethiopian delegation in a group photo with Rwandan officials at MIGEPROF. The Sunday Times / Courtesy.

The Minister of Gender and Family Promotion, Aloisea Inyumba, on Thursday received a delegation of senior political leaders of women MPs of the Leadership Parliamentary Caucus from Ethiopia. The group is on a working visit in Rwanda to share experiences with their Rwandan counterparts. At the meeting, the head of the delegation, Deputy Minister in charge of Governance Affairs Roman Gselessi, explained that Rwanda was chosen for this visit because of its good record in women empowerment and gender equality, equity and gender mainstreaming. The MPs were curious to know how Rwanda has managed to recover from the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi and stabilise its economy as well as position itself at the forefront in upholding gender equality and women empowerment.  "As you recall, this nation was completely destroyed in 1994. The reconstruction of every aspect of life started almost from scratch. The challenges of rebuilding and restoring the State were enormous,” said Inyumba adding that the country struggled to ensure that men and women, boys and girls enjoy equal opportunities in order to realize their full human and productive potential for the sustainable development.Inyumba explained to the MPs that good leadership and a sustainable political will have led Rwanda in taking these humble strides.  The MPs were also briefed on the women and girls’ month which brings all stakeholders to tackle issues like fighting malnutrition especially for women and children, economic empowerment of women, girls’ education and fighting violence against women and girls.