Dear editor, Due to the fact that we can’t predict our fate, we should open up our hearts and have empathy to our suffering neighbours, who are ruined by various calamities like hunger, political instabilities and so on.
Dear editor,
Due to the fact that we can’t predict our fate, we should open up our hearts and have empathy to our suffering neighbours, who are ruined by various calamities like hunger, political instabilities and so on.
By this I mean having practical compassion for them by mobilizing material help for them. On this issue, I imply going across borders to help endangered people in other countries for instance the northern Uganda, Somalia and other places.
This and other efforts such as comforting them to make them realize that there is a good future a head can tremendously help them.
Keeping in our countries where we enjoy domestic solidarity and other forms of happiness, when our brothers and sisters are suffering without any one to offer them a shoulder to lean on is not a sign of Pan Africanism.