By Agnes Bateta

AS we all know women do want special attention so as to feel always loved and taken good care of. Unlike men, women feel more loved when their men are always there for them. Most women feel more secure if their husbands are always there for them.

Friday, March 30, 2012

AS we all know women do want special attention so as to feel always loved and taken good care of. Unlike men, women feel more loved when their men are always there for them. Most women feel more secure if their husbands are always there for them. Recently I was talking to some lady from my neighborhood and she told me how she no longer understood her man so well, how she felt that there was no much love in their marriage as it was before. Having asked her why she felt or thought so, she went on and told me how her husband no longer had as much time as he had when they had just gotten married. She told me that she was even suscipicious that her husband could be seeing some other woman. So in this case this lady felt so insecure. I went on and asked her if her husband still provided for her and her two kids like before and if her husband had ever slept out and she told me that he never sleeps out but normally comes back home late and when she asks him where he is from he just tells her from work leaving her with so much suspicion. And that he still provided everything in the house like he did before but the only thing she was scared of was that he never had much time for her like he did before. She said she felt like her husband was miles away from her and their children. She even went on to tell me how one time they had a fight about coming back late and not being there for her and the children and she told him how she wasn’t married to a house for her to look at every now and then, but that she was married to a man she loved and cherished. I felt so concerned about this lady and most especially for her husband who I think has no time for other people but her alone. So men you can always try some thing out to make your wives feel more loved and cared for instead of leaving them with doubt for you. Even if you do not have to do it almost everyday but you can still try at least few times a month. Here is what you can do.Always tell your wife how you love her; this adds more meaning to your entire relationship. If you tell her that she will always feel the only one for you and no one else. Do not give her space to doubt you at any time. Always take time to sit and talk with her. Conversation will make her feel more involved in your life and more wanted. Do not come back home and just decide to go to your bedroom or even go and converse with your computer. Spare some time to talk with her, get to know how she feels; you could watch a movie with her or television with her. In this case she will not feel like she is just a house help for you. Share household responsibilities with her, for example if she is say cooking, you could decide to help the kids with their homework but not leave all the tasks at her hand. Show her affection and love at all times and in all ways, kindness, remember she is just a woman who needs all your affection and kindness. You could decide to take a day off at least each week or twice in a month and spend some good quality time with her as her partner. Make sure you use this time to mend all your ties, to renew your love with her and always listen to what she has to say if she puts it up, do not just act like what she is saying doesn’t count even when you think so.Always try to understand and forgive her even when you go into an argument, remember women are argumentative by nature so do not take it personal but instead help her through. And the most thing that women would love to see you do is to take care of yourselves both physically and emotionally. Do some good exercise to keep fit and handsome for her always. Say yes to her more than saying no when she says something or asks you something. Take time to take her out like you did before, you know women love to be seen with their men out dancing for example, do not just keep her at home like she was a chair or something while you go out and have fun with other people.Life is all about trying, never give up before you even try. Try and make your woman happy at all times. Make her never regret why she married a man who does not care for her at all. Just add some new things and techniques to your relationship and you will see that both of you are happy and even share this happiness with your kids.