Big lesson from Field Ruwe’s article

Editor, Diana Mpyisi’s piece in The New Times, this week, titled ‘Reflections on “You Lazy (Intellectual) African Scum!”’was great. She was revisiting an earlier article by Field Ruwe, which Africans need to read over and over again.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Diana Mpyisi’s piece in The New Times, this week, titled ‘Reflections on "You Lazy (Intellectual) African Scum!”’was great. She was revisiting an earlier article by Field Ruwe, which Africans need to read over and over again.That was an incredible way of detailing an issue that most Africans living overseas have been struggling with for years. Could you please be nice enough to share the link to the original article by Field Ruwe? Much appreciated.Kanamugire JuniorRustenburg, South AfricaEditor – Dear Junior, see below the link to Field Ruwe’s article,

Diana, thanks for the article. But does Ruwe’s claim carry any truth? I personally think it does and this should in reality make the so-called African intellectuals re-think their standing and endeavour to work for the betterment of their creed. Yet it’s not for the intelligentsia in the Diaspora alone, their respective African political leaders must be at the fore front to ensure that our ‘best brains’ are well utilised to best benefit our dear Africa.Rugema NgarambeEl Fasher, Sudan Editor

Rwanda is a visionary country. But most of our brothers and sisters out there should really take into account the concerns of Ruwe and ask what you can do for your country and not what your country can do. Yet Rwandans must also remain vigilant.ConcernedNyanza, Rwanda Editor,

Wow! I like Diana’s article, and hope that young Rwandans who are abroad had a reflection of their mission to help develop their country and make Africa Proud (Ijya kurisha ihera ku rugo)KalisaKigali  Editor,How I wish that every Rwandan intellectual and civil servant had read the article Diana referred to in her Wednesday’s column. It is annoying but compelling for every African worth the name and the salt. Anyone who values the future of their country should look for it and read itSongoro Jean PierreNairobi Kenya