Guinea’s political class wants UN to be neutral during legislative polls

Guinea’s radical opposition that has regrouped under the umbrella of Collective of Political Parties for the Finalization of the Transition and the Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADP),

Friday, March 30, 2012

Guinea’s radical opposition that has regrouped under the umbrella of Collective of Political Parties for the Finalization of the Transition and the Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADP), has asked the United Nations systems in the country to be neutral during the parliamentary elections scheduled for July 8, 2012.Speaking during a public meeting on Wednesday, the leader of the Union of Republican Forces (UFR) Sidya Toure said the UN agencies in Guinea, especially the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), should be considered as technical and financial partners during the organization of political elections in the country.He said that the country’s radical opposition would not approve the involvement of UNDP in the program to audit and manage Guinea’s electoral list, something which should be conducted by the Guineans themselves, and especially by the National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) through its specialized technical departments.All parties that took part in recent political dialogue agreed that the poll list that was used in the November 2010 presidential elections should be audited to verify its reliability and integrity.According to parties in the presidential camp, all issues regarding the organization of political elections in Guinea fall under the mandate of CENI, an institution which is in charge of organizingelections in conformity with Guinea’s Constitution and electoral code.