Scores killed in Libya tribal clashes

Three days of clashes between tribes in the southern Libyan town of Sabha have killed more than 70 people, a Libyan government spokesman has said.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Three days of clashes between tribes in the southern Libyan town of Sabha have killed more than 70 people, a Libyan government spokesman has said."It is regrettable that more than 70 people have been killed and more than 150 have been wounded” since Monday in the desert town of Sabha, Nasser al-Manaa told a news conference in Tripoli on Wednesday.Local officials said the fighting pitting the African Toubou tribe against Arab tribes in Sabha had eased and efforts to secure a truce were underway, although the Toubou claimed they were facing a "massacre.”"There are still clashes but not as intense,” in Sabha, said Abdelmajid Seif al-Nasser, a town official who quit his post on Tuesday from the ruling National Transitional Council in protest over the violence."The national army and a committee of elders have entered the town in a bid to secure a truce,” Nasser, who represented the NTC in Sabha, told AFP news agency.But Toubou tribesmen said Arab tribesmen from Sabha were "surrounding” them in the Tayuri and Al-Hijara neighbourhoods and shelling them since the early hours of the morning."Al-Hijara is surrounded from all sides. All the Arab (tribes) are against us. They are bombarding us using all sorts of rockets indiscriminately. It is a real massacre,” said Karima Jaber, a Sabha airport employee.Toubou chief Issa Abdel Majid Mansur said earlier this week that 40 members of his tribe had been killed, and accused Libyan authorities of using warplanes and tanks against his community.