Over 1,000 complete adult literacy training

Bugesera—At least 1,162 elderly people have completed adult literacy training in Rilima and Nyamata sectors of Bugesera District.

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Dr Harebamungu (3rd R) awarding a certificate to one of the trainees. The New Times/ Mbonyumuvunyi

Bugesera—At least 1,162 elderly people have completed adult literacy training in Rilima and Nyamata sectors of Bugesera District.Passing out the graduands, Wednesday, the Minister of State in charge of Primary and Secondary Education, Dr. Mathias Harebamungu, said that Rwanda is committed to achieve Vision 2020 goals.The course was conducted by laureates and religious volunteers in line with the government programmes to eradicate illiteracy.Studies have shown that the upsurge in the number of illiterate people is a major barrier towards the implementation of government policies, development and welfare.The ceremony was attended, among others, by the legal representative of Rwanda Bible Society, Bishop Augustin Mvunabandi, and the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Family and Gender Promotion, Julienne Munyaneza.Harebamungu appreciated the determination of laureates, church volunteers and the district to eradicate illiteracy.He observed that the course supplemented the government’s vision to significantly eradicate illiteracy by 2015."95 per cent of citizens will be able to read and write by 2015 while 90 per cent would be able to read, write, and count by 2017. In 2020, 100 per cent will clearly read, write, and count,” said the Minister. Bishop Augustin Mvunabandi thanked the graduates, majority of whom were female, for their determination to acquire literacy."It takes a courageous mind to go for elementary education at an old age."It is extremely important that people get elementary education…it serves them and the community a lot in terms of development. Negative consequences of illiteracy cannot be overemphasised,” he underscored.Mayor of the district, Louis Rwagaju, said that Bugesera ranked number one in combating illiteracy in the province."EICV3 report shows that Bugesera district is at the forefront to eradicate illiteracy in the Province. We shall leave no stone unturned to teach every person to read and write,” he pledged.