What a woman can do, a man can do too

Feminists often claim that what a man can do, a woman can, possibly better.

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Just like women, there are men who have single-handedly raised children and managed to see them through the most difficult times in their lives. Net photo

Feminists often claim that what a man can do, a woman can, possibly better.Well, kudos to the women of this generation and their unlimited abilities to change the world into a better place.However, one cannot help but wonder why women believe they can do everything that men can do and yet think of themselves as special beings when it comes to raising children. In fact, I have often heard of people claiming that behind every successful man, is a woman, and other careless compliments thrown around about upbringing. One chap sloppily said to a friend of mine; "She is so well behaved; I wonder who her mother is?”Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but let me break it down for humankind. Drop the erroneous ideology!Not every successful man has a woman behind him, and the same goes for children. Women alone do not bear the sole responsibility of raising children, or just the well-behaved ones for that matter; men too can do it. In contemporary society, life comes with all sorts of challenges but somehow endurance and patience helps people through. Men today have learnt these things the hard way, especially when it comes to raising children, since the headache jets in when they are teenagers. Just like women, there are men who have single-handedly raised children and managed to see them through the most difficult times in their lives - the teenage years. These seem to be the most difficult years but it’s the 21st century now, nothing is going to sound so alienated to men anymore. It does not necessarily mean that because a man raised a girl, she will not make a good mother or wife for that matter, because motherhood is God given, nobody teaches anybody to love and care for children. So let society not base behaviour or any sort of upbringing on a parent’s gender. It is in fact often believed that girls who have been brought up by their fathers have a better understanding of life and maturity when it comes to going into the real world.Single fatherhood cannot surely be easy, considering the fact that some men are egoistic creatures who still believe in societal norms such as, women being single-handedly responsible for child upbringing. Worth mentioning here however, is that women tend to do a better job because of their nature, their kindness, soft heartedness and love. These natural qualities make them the perfect candidate for this job. But make no mistake about it, men have these qualities too but sadly they are intertwined with impatience!