The workaholic workout

Lately, your job has taken up much of your time. You spend Saturdays and Sundays with your head bent over your computer. Well, taking a break from work for even a few minutes can help you feel better and increase your strength and energy levels. Exercise has no specific place, it can be done anywhere. Here are some suggestions.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lately, your job has taken up much of your time. You spend Saturdays and Sundays with your head bent over your computer. Well, taking a break from work for even a few minutes can help you feel better and increase your strength and energy levels. Exercise has no specific place, it can be done anywhere. Here are some suggestions.Take the stairs: Using the stairs five to seven times a day is a good goal. It’s an especially good workout because it is a daily activity.Stand whenever possible: Standing allows the hips to stretch and relives the fatigue one has after sitting all dayMarch in place or take a brief walk around your office: This will increase your energy and blood flow. It will also relax the brain. Preferably walk outside a little bit  Use your chair to strengthen your arms. Chest and shoulders: Sit in a chair without wheels and place your hand on the arms. Use your arms to lift your bottom off the chair seat and lower yourself back down. Sit straight in your chair:  This releases tension in the neck area and your weight is balanced on both hips, preventing cramping.