Lessons from Senegal’s Abudulaye Wade

Editor, THE news that Abudulaye Wade admitted presidential election defeat is great news for the continent.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Editor,THE news that Abudulaye Wade admitted presidential election defeat is great news for the continent. At last Africa has got a presidential candidate who has graciously accepted defeat and called to congratulate the winner. Of course it was disgusting that Wade had chosen to seek a third term even at 85! Had he decided to manipulate the results, Senegal could almost surely have descended into violence. But thanks to his courage to concede defeat and to respect the people’s choice, Wade has ensured a smooth exit from active politics.After seeing him seek reelection, I thought here we got another African leader who will do anything to cling to power. Our continent is not short of such cases. Yet Wade’s honourable decision made me think that sometimes age indeed comes with wisdom. African politicians have a lesson to learn here, that despite our egos and personal interests, national interests should always reign supreme. But there’s also another lesson: Leaders should resist the temptation of manipulating their countries’ constitutions in their favour.Annie