Apaper pupils and their favourite things

“I like playing football because it is my favourite game.” Sonia Uwase 10, P.6.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Top row( L-R): Sonia Uwase,Moses Ishimwe,Hebert Mucyo,John Nober Cyuzuzo. Bottom row (L-R): Herve Rugwiro,Sandra Dushimire,Serge Nyirigira.

"I like playing football because it is my favourite game.”Sonia Uwase 10, P.6."My favourite food is rice, spaghetti, vegetables. I also love eating fruits.” Moses Ishimwe 13, P.4."My favourite team is Barcelona FC and my favourite player is Cristiano Ronaldo.”Hebert Mucyo 11, P.5."History is my favourite subject because I like learning about the past and the people who lived back then.”John Nober Cyuzuzo 10, P.6."I like my teacher, Cyrus, because he is kind and understanding when he teaches us.” Herve Rugwiro 11, P.6."Meat and bananas are all you need to convince me to do something I probably don’t want to do.”Sandra Dushimire 10, P.4."Tom Close is my favourite artiste in Rwanda because I like his music and the way he behaves on stage.”Serge Nyirigira 10, P.4"The environment is my favourite thing because it is where we live. We can protect it by planting as many trees as possible and trying very hard not to pollute the air.”Elyse Nshyimiyumukiza 11, P.6.