Learn to respect others

Have you ever entered someone’s office with an appointment only to stand waiting for a secretary or assistant to attend to you and not his or her gadgets?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Have you ever entered someone’s office with an appointment only to stand waiting for a secretary or assistant to attend to you and not his or her gadgets?That is disrespectful. Just because someone has come to your office does not mean you have the right to treat them anyway you feel. Treat people the same way you would want to be treated if you were in their position. Just because someone drives a BMW and stays in a bungalow does not mean they can despise people who are in lesser positions. It is important to know that sometimes wealth comes from the very people you despise. People need to understand that wealth is not an eternal guarantee as tables can turn any time. Have respect for other people regardless of whether you are in the same class economically or not.The fact that you are the brightest kid in class does not mean you have the right to disregard the opinions of other students. In any case, without their competition, it would be difficult to ascertain your intelligence, so their presence plays a huge part in recognizing your ability.It’s also necessary to know that this is a world of co-existence. When we came into this world, we found other occupants who were once new entrants too, and practically, the only way we can to live together in harmony is through exercising mutual respect.It is like life at campus, when students are strangers her and yet must share a room. When someone abuses or mistreats the other, distrust and conflict follow. In the end, one of them is forced to vacate. Similarly, in this world, when you do not treat people with respect, they do just the same to you.Showing respect is not "superior treatment” as some people may perceive. It’s just a form of courteousness, a behavioural pattern that differentiates us humans from wild animals.     Consequently, children must respect their parents and teachers, employees their employers and vice versa. Do unto others what you want done to you.