Mozambican gov’t negotiates funds for 5 new railways

The government of Mozambique is negotiating funds to construct four to five new railways to meet the increasing demand of transport services in the central and northern regions of the southern African country, state radio reported.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The government of Mozambique is negotiating funds to construct four to five new railways to meet the increasing demand of transport services in the central and northern regions of the southern African country, state radio reported.

Citing Minister of Transport and Communication Paulo Zucula, Radio Mozambique said a total of 5,000 km of railways will be constructed linking the region of Nhamayabue in the central province of Tete and Mutuali in the northern province of Nampula province.    Another line will link Nhamayabue and Nacala across Zambiza province and still another will connect Moatize with the coast of Zambezia and neighboring Malawi.    The government says that the negotiations are in an advanced stage with the mining company from Brazil Vale and the Rito Tinto.

The Minister did not mention the amount needed, but indicated the projects are much more advanced than others such as the Nhamayabue and Mutuali line.

The launch of the works is yet to be announced, though the minister guaranteed that during this quarter, there will be clear terms of the grant conditions and the funding lines.