Kwibuka 29: Bralirwa pays tribute to Genocide victims
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Yesterday, Bralirwa Plc marked the 29th Commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi by honoring those laid to rest at the Nyanza and Rubavu Genocide memorial sites.

Prior to both events, staff members had a ‘walk to remember’ as they made their way to the memorial sites. During the walk, they got insights into the events that led to the Genocide, the atrocities that were inflicted on innocent people, and the courageous efforts taken to stop it.

As both events progressed, staff members listened to testimonies from Genocide survivors Pelagie Mukandinda, from Nyanza, and Shadiya Mukarurema, from Rubavu, who shared their harrowing experiences of hiding in deplorable conditions day and night to survive.

During his remarks, Bralirwa Managing Director, Etienne Saada commended the resilience and strength of survivors, and pledged Bralirwa’s continued support towards the country’s efforts towards building a prosperous future for all Rwandans.

"We hold steadfastly to the belief that we must remember, unite, and renew! We stand with the Rwandans in their quest for progress and prosperity through our various initiatives and commitment to care for people and the community as part of our core values” he said.

During the dialogue, Ambassador François Xavier Ngarambe reminded those who attended the ceremony that genocide was planned for a long time, urging them to fight against its ideology wherever it came from.

Speaking on behalf of Ministry of National Unity and Civic Engagement, Paul Rukesha, Director General of Communications, Partnership, said that remembering the victims involves more than just recalling the sadness and pain of their deaths but rather acknowledging the void they left behind, which we will never forget.

"It is important to remember that beyond the impact of the loss of our loved ones and the grief that accompanied it, we should also acknowledge the significant loss they caused to the entire country and those who remained,” he said.

Rukesha urged all parents and those who witnessed the genocide against the Tutsi to encourage their children to love one another and to strive for what will contribute to their personal growth, that of their friends, families, and the nation as a whole.

"This is crucial because victims of the Genocide against the Tutsi were betrayed and killed by people they considered friends and relatives,” he added.

Over the past years, Bralirwa has contributed over 800 million Rwandan francs in various corporate social initiatives such as tree planting, Water Sanitation and Health (WASH) projects, promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, health care services, vocational skills promotion, and road safety campaigns.