Step up the fight against narcotics trade

Editor, I cannot thank the Rwanda National Police enough for working hard to break the cycle of drug trafficking and abuse throughout the country. However, I was in Nyagatare over the weekend and I realized that the vice, still persists.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Editor,I cannot thank the Rwanda National Police enough for working hard to break the cycle of drug trafficking and abuse throughout the country. However, I was in Nyagatare over the weekend and I realized that the vice, still persists. The dealers specifically target vulnerable youth as their main clients. That makes this illegal trade all the more dangerous considering that it compromises the future of the youth, including school children, yet these are the leaders of tomorrow.Drug abuse leads to a high number of school dropouts, pregnancies and other social vices. Let us not forget that it is also a major cause of road accidents, rape or robbery.Yet police’s efforts to arrest drug dealers are bearing fruit. We are encouraged to know that all the security organs are equally on alert.  However, police cannot eliminate the vice once and for all, without the involvement of the general public. Rwandans of all walks of life should consequently join the fight against drug trafficking and abuse to ensure that our future leaders are not exposed to such vices.Agnes KantaramaKigali