Tradition disappears like smoke from a chimney

Equality  Traditional courtesies no longer matter It’s a big problem in this age and era when men are coming to terms with the fact that the things they thought were right and were prepared to do them and continue to do them are actually wrong in ladies’ eyes. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Equality  Traditional courtesies no longer matterIt’s a big problem in this age and era when men are coming to terms with the fact that the things they thought were right and were prepared to do them and continue to do them are actually wrong in ladies’ eyes. 

There are men who still believe in being gentlemen find that some women believe that physical courtesies, for instance, not only are no longer necessary but are incorrect.This came up when my friend was dumb-founded and doesn’t know what to do because some women told them in clear conditions, that they no longer expect the traditional courtesies that have honored womanhood for ages. This is the era when playing fields are being leveled as far as equality and women rights are concerned. Women are constantly demanding for Equal Employment Opportunities and equal rights, some women don’t feel there is real equality or a real sense of independence if they continue to accept what we used to do as being polite. It’s easy to understand why men are confused; because this goes against the very basics we have been taught since we were little boys. Many of us grew up in families where there was nothing greater than respect and doing the right thing. That notion was drilled into us so deeply for years that one directive that parents delivered day after day’ of "Mind your manners” still rings in my mind. Now, the manners include some simple gestures like opening doors for women and giving up your seat when a woman, the disabled or the elderly can’t find one. The kind of gestures that you would want other men to extend to your mother, your grandmother or your sister!While this issue appears to be heating up, for some women, there is no controversy here. They say the idea of men performing polite acts is laughable because, based on their experiences, they haven’t seen such in so long they were under the impression that the concept had disappeared like liquor from a bottle.It is true that with each generational shift a little bit of tradition is swept away and new thoughts, ideas and procedures come into play. These days, we see more and more changes to traditional behavior that has shaped, in addition to our own lives, the lives of our parents, our grandparents and their parents.Because of such changes, we all know there are some self-pitying men who wouldn’t open a door or give up his seat for a woman under any circumstances. Or even consider doing so. But there are many men who still see it as the right thing to do. Although things have changed dramatically in this changing world, it’s a good gamble that most women still appreciate and search for polite men. But the number of those who don’t stand on tradition apparently is growing, and they see this form of tradition as ancient behavior that’s completely dissimilar with the true ideals of feminism, which prompted a new and sustained celebration of women’s independence.Still, we are faced with this predicament of whether we should stick to tradition. With women being on both sides of the fence on this issue, the problem is we don’t know which side of the fence you’re on until it’s too late. That being the case, men have to carefully steer a risky route to avoid an explosion that could be triggered by a misstep of political incorrectness.So, the question is: What next now that women no longer recognize men’s polite gestures? They have constantly thrown tradition and polite gestures out of the window. As it turns out, no more opening and closing the car do for you, pulling a chair for or any other gestures. When women begin to miss the pampering, they will surely realize what they just lost.