AU must do something about Mali

The violent overthrow of the democratically elected leader of Mali, President Amadou Toumani Toure, by mutinous troops led by Captain Amadou Sanogo is taking Africa back to the dark days of endemic military rule and continuous coup d’états.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The violent overthrow of the democratically elected leader of Mali, President Amadou Toumani Toure, by mutinous troops led by Captain Amadou Sanogo is taking Africa back to the dark days of endemic military rule and continuous coup d’états.A number of African nations are nascent democracies enjoying rapid economic growth and increasing standards of living. Which is why the situation in Mali is disappointing.The disgruntled soldiers, who call themselves the Committee for the Re-establishment of Democracy and the Restoration of the State (CNRDR), have acted against the best interests of their people, country and continent.For too long Africa has been a laughing stock and it is extremely unfortunate that Capt. Amadou Sanogo and his cabal have painted such a horrible picture of Mali, a country that has seen over twenty years of political stability, to the rest of the world.While the UN Security Council has called for the immediate restoration of constitutional rule and the World Bank and African Development Bank have suspended all aid to the country until the crisis is resolved, the African Union (AU) must take lead in restoring order.It isn’t enough to issue proclamations, the AU must take quick and comprehensive action