RCA to reward outstanding cooperatives

Rwanda Cooperative Agency (RCA) is working on a project that will see cooperatives categorised based on performance.

Saturday, March 24, 2012
Damien Mugabo.

Rwanda Cooperative Agency (RCA) is working on a project that will see cooperatives categorised based on performance.The move is aimed at encouraging hard work among Cooperative as high performing ones benefit from the agency, according to RCA Director General, Damien Mugabo."We must recognise cooperatives which are providing employment to many people through engaging in various economic activities that have also enabled them to accumulate over Rwf 500 million as working capital,” Mugabo stressed.He was addressing the media during a meeting that brought together heads of various cooperatives and representatives from development partners, to highlight the national policy on cooperatives as well as update participants on the amendments and new developments in the Cooperative Law.Last year, parliament revised the 2007 cooperative law that saw some articles amended. Among others, article 9 of the new law regarding the minimum number of people who can set up a cooperative increased to ten from seven.