Oxfam to market small enterprises internationally

An international aid agency, Oxfam Rwanda, has pledged to internationally promote products from small enterprises so as to boost their income.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

An international aid agency, Oxfam Rwanda, has pledged to internationally promote products from small enterprises so as to boost their income.While presenting the organisation’s new five year strategic plan, Maggie Carroll, Oxfam Country Director, said the organisation will market products the foreign countries, an effort aimed at developing them into mid-range companies.She said they would establish and negotiate trade agreements that would afford Rwanda more commercial opportunities that will later positively affect small scale industries.According to Carroll, the development will be made possible when all Oxfam affiliates in the country that were operating or supporting separate programmes in the country, joined into One Oxfam Rwanda strategy that was launched in Rulindo District.Carroll said the One Oxfam Rwanda will consolidate efforts and resources of all the affiliates to increase impact and efficiency.The Oxfam affiliates that have been operating separately are Oxfam Great Britain, Oxfam Netherlands and Oxfam Ireland."We will be exporting products from various enterprises in an effort geared towards improving and creating more jobs, especially in agriculture for the most vulnerable communities,” said Carroll.