Twins born joined-Kenya

Recently at Msambweni hospital in Kenya a 28 year old lady gave birth to joined twins. These twins are said to have been delivered joined from the chest down to abdomen.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Recently at Msambweni hospital in Kenya a 28 year old lady gave birth to joined twins. These twins are said to have been delivered joined from the chest down to abdomen.

According to the Daily Nation of April, 8, 2008, the doctor in charge, one Gitau said that the twins which were born on Sunday evening were healthy and weighed 5.05 kilogram’s at birth.

Doctor Gitau further said revealed to the Daily Nation that the two girls shared an umbilical cord and they were yet to be imaged to determine whether other organs were common.

The twin mother Khadija Bakari said that the pair was her first time children to be delivered in the hospital. "I have six other children that were all born at home before going to the hospital for further treatment", said Bakari.

She had some complications to deliver.

The Msambweni district hospital matron Friesier Nduati said breastfeeding the twins was a challenge, they had no comfortable position for them to be held as they suckled the mother.

Due to problems associated with breast feeding them, the twins were fed with special milk using a cup and a spoon.

Although the twins were feeding well and even crying, they are set to be transferred to the Coast General referral hospital for a pediatric review and further consultation because the hospital were the kids were delivered from don’t have the necessary facilities to care or separate them.

The mother, whose husband is a peasant farmer, called for help from all well- wishers. She needed to be assisted to cater for her children’s medical expenses and upkeep.

"I am grateful for this heavenly gift but I may not afford their necessary medical needs and other requirements. I would be glad to receive any assistance from well-wishers" said the mother.
