Firm introduces electronic moveable shelves

A regional company dealing in business management solutions, COSEKE, has introduced a new technology in Rwanda called ‘AnyDoc Software’ offering customers automatic data capture, mass storage and electronic moveable shelves.

Friday, March 23, 2012

A regional company dealing in business management solutions, COSEKE, has introduced a new technology in Rwanda called ‘AnyDoc Software’ offering customers automatic data capture, mass storage and electronic moveable shelves.The soft ware (AnyDoc Software) can capture data from virtually any form and feeds it into a web based system.Jeff Thuo, Managing Director of COSEKE, told a workshop in Kigali the company has been doing business in Rwanda from their Kenyan office, with other offices operating in Uganda and Tanzania.Rwanda’s Ministry of Finance and the Office of the Ombudsman have so far acquired the software. The company is targeting ministries, banks, insurance companies and hospitals."We bring experience of 20 years in the market and confident that we came at the right time when the country is moving steadily in technology,” said Paul Bukuru, General Manager of the company’s newly opened Rwanda office. Emmanuel Bagilizina, coordinator of ICT in the Ministry of Finance, said ever since they adopted the technology it modernised their filing system. "It has enabled us to move from a paper based environment to a modern paperless office working environment and speed up the work,” he said. "Physical space was addressed because the building would be covered by shelves making it difficult to retrieve any document.” Benefits of the software cited include, efficiency, accountability, security, transparency, and time saving. The product is said to allow integration with email which gives the assigned user instant notification to facilitate management to assess and evaluate employee’s productivity.