Help your children to develop love for reading and writing

Tomorrow 23, April, 2008 is World Book and Copyright Day. In line with this day I would like to call children and their parents to start reading and writing.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tomorrow 23, April, 2008 is World Book and Copyright Day. In line with this day I would like to call children and their parents to start reading and writing.

In general Rwandans still find it hard to read and write. Reading and writing is what children and adults need to keep informed.

A child who loves reading will always find it simple to interpret questions. This child will also be excellent in spoken and writing exercises.

The culture of reading needs to be instilled in our children as early as possible. Reading is not something that just comes natural. It is all about training.

Children, who have parents with the culture of reading, will always pick the interest to read. Children learn most by imitating what others do.

The world book day shouldn’t leave as with nothing to learn. All Rwandans have to understand the importance of reading and writing.

It is unfair for our stories to be told by people from the Diaspora (Abroad). We need to train the young generation, in telling their own stories so as to develop in them the culture.

Parents need to buy children books related to their age, group and interest. By doing so we would be instilling the culture of reading the young people.
