Mugesera should accept the reality

Editor, Allow me to express my dismay upon reading a story in The New Times, March, 21, regarding Mugesera’s refusal to be interrogated in Kinyarwanda, his mother language.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Editor,Allow me to express my dismay upon reading a story in The New Times, March, 21, regarding Mugesera’s refusal to be interrogated in Kinyarwanda, his mother language.I have no doubt that Mugesera, despite his inhumane and mean public attitude and derogatory language against Tutsis, he will benefit from Rwanda’s fair justice. Nonetheless, he should not be allowed to abuse the country’s progressive system the way he’s doing already. I cannot believe that a man who, so eloquently, gave one of the most virulent speeches against humanity refused to respond to questions regarding his hand in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, in his mother tongue – the language of his infamous speech! In my opinion by refusing to testify in his own language, Mugesera has demonstrated the highest levels of hatred for the people of Rwanda. He has become a self-hater and loathes everything Rwandan. I am not condemning him but his behavior is unacceptable by all standards.  The victims of his rabid tongue will want to hear him defend himself in the same language he used to incite masses against them. It will give them a sense of satisfaction and dignity, wherever they are – dead or alive. As for Mugesera, he should consider himself a lucky man. Unlike him, his victims did not have a chance to defend themselves in court – for the crime of having been born Tutsis or ‘scam’ as he happily called them. He should simply accept the reality; that it’s time to answer for all his crimes. Justin IyamuremyeKigali