Making cheap facial masks in the comfort of your home

A while back, the heat got the best of me (or my face) and a friend advised me to get a facial. I was concerned at first because facials are somewhat expensive but she gave me cheaper tips and the best part is I did it from my own home.

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Home facials are cost effective and can have produce great results, if used correctly. Net photo.

A while back, the heat got the best of me (or my face) and a friend advised me to get a facial. I was concerned at first because facials are somewhat expensive but she gave me cheaper tips and the best part is I did it from my own home.

If you are having problems with your skin, here are some less expensive facials...everything you need is right there in your kitchen. The avocado mask:Get a ripe avocado, mash it well and then apply it on your face. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water. After rinsing your face well, dry it and apply whatever lotion or body oil you use. This avocado mask is very effective and will show some serious results upon frequent application. The oatmeal and yoghurt mask:Get finely ground oatmeal and some organic yoghurt with little drops of honey. Mix the oatmeal and yoghurt together first and then add the honey and stir it properly. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes then rinse with warm water. The natural ingredients in these products are great for the skin pores and avoid blockage. You will see that skin glow in no time. The butter face mask:This works best for dry skin. Get unsalted butter and beat it till it’s really soft. Add one egg yolk and beat the ingredients together till they are well blended. Apply to your face and leave concoction on for 10 minutes. Wash your face with warm water and dry it well with a towel. It works wonders for dry skin and prevents it from cracks, leaving it soft and smooth. That said, why pay for a facial when you can use the basic ingredients found in your own kitchen? For oily skin or acne, you could do a mud or clay based mask to balance your skin tone. Try these facials out, look great and save yourself a trip to the ATM.