Irrespective of beauty, men will always notice a well groomed woman

I do not usually drool over other girls for their beauty because I find it strange. Doesn’t it make sense that I should notice the tall, dark guy with the six packs and seductive cologne, than the girl beside him with a curvy body and what not?

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Taking time to look great should be part of the DNA of every woman. Net photo.

I do not usually drool over other girls for their beauty because I find it strange. Doesn’t it make sense that I should notice the tall, dark guy with the six packs and seductive cologne, than the girl beside him with a curvy body and what not?However, I have to confess that recently I looked at this girl and could not help but accept that she was strikingly beautiful; the kind you only see on the cover of a magazine. Do not doubt my intentions for I am so straight and contentedly dating a guy, it’s just this competitive thing about women, that they always want to notice what flaws, or pointers their fellow comrades carry. I have heard that crap before about everyone having a mark of imperfection but, I can assure you that this girl was exceptional. She was the very definition of beauty. So Kelly (as I will call her), was a new employee and she most positively grabbed every guy’s attention. There is something about being new and hot!  I see her almost every day but I would never recommend that she dates any of my male friends. And, this has nothing to do with jealously!I later realised that she wasn’t as beautiful as I thought she was. Even the guys who all had a crash on her completely lost it. Her beauty went to waste because she failed to take care of her body and be a real woman of value.The ‘true’ her finally surfaced. She is quite the irritant. She walks around with chipped nails for a month until people suggest a manicure retouch. This girl with the super looks who turned heads at 360 degrees,  now has a stench about her that won’t go away. I suppose that is proof enough that she doesn’t wear a deodorant or even use the shower as often as she is supposed to. We could forgive her for that, but she also comes to work in dirty clothes and doesn’t mind wearing the same unwashed top at least thrice a week. Seriously, which woman in her right state of mind does that?She has that constant shinny look on her face and chirped lips. I do not want to imagine the mess she’d be if she didn’t have that natural beauty. She has never heard of lip balm or a handkerchief to clean her shinny face—mark you, these items are so cheap.Well, Kelly is just one of the many women out there who have that I don’t care attitude which I find disturbing for a woman.Women should always look good and clean. This doesn’t necessarily mean wearing make-up but just taking good care of your body and what you wear.It’s so embarrassing for a lady to look dirty or wear unclean clothes. Women should always look neat and well kempt. This says a lot about your character as well.If you’re the kind of girl who moves around with uncombed hair, un buttoned shirt and dirty shoes, no one will take you seriously.This is also a sign of disrespect for oneself and others. No man in his right state of mind is going to think of settling down with a girl who doesn’t like bathing or who wears creased clothes regardless of how beautiful or intelligent she is.How we handle our bodies, what we wear and how we look is a statement of who we really are.So my dear ladies, your beauty, white collar job or first class degree aren’t enough if you don’t pay attention to the seemingly tiny details in your life like cleanliness, what you say and what you wear.