RELATIONSHIPS:A woman always keeps her home at heart

A friend of mine got married about three years ago but there is one thing that surprises me about her to this day. She is enjoying a happy marriage and I believe it is the best thing that ever happened to her. However, she still makes time to visit her parents back in the village.

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Nurturing and the need to become a homemaker are part of girlsu2019 nature. Net photo.

A friend of mine got married about three years ago but there is one thing that surprises me about her to this day. She is enjoying a happy marriage and I believe it is the best thing that ever happened to her. However, she still makes time to visit her parents back in the village.I wonder why girls always keep their family at heart even when they are miles away from home. Whether happily married, women will always remember their family, maybe because they are great homemakers. Girls are naturally responsible people, who fulfil their obligations and this makes it difficult for them to just forget about their families even after marriage.It is a natural instinct that God created in women. She will think about her parents all the time and make it a point to come back home just to see how they are doing, which is more than I can say for our male counterparts. When they leave home, a simple phone call is enough.True, there are boys who think and care about their parents even when they are no longer under their care but it is not as common as it is with the girls. A girl always has her home and family at heart. It is in our nature to care and love those who are close to us. This explains why a girl gets married, but after a few months, is already missing home and feels the need to go back even when she is living in marital bliss. Girls keep the bond between them and their homes intact regardless of where they are. Home remains paramount to them. This doesn’t mean that they do not value their marriage but they still have responsibilities and obligations at home. Girls should remember that they have their immediate families who need them just as much, if not more. Stay true to your vows and family but remember that there is home, the one place where you will always be welcome, so handle it with utmost respect.