Good idea ULK students

Dear editor, Allow me to thank and reorganize the students of ULK an independent university and other students for their efforts in fighting the Genocide ideology within and out side their compass.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dear editor,

Allow me to thank and reorganize the students of ULK an independent university and other students for their efforts in fighting the Genocide ideology within and out side their compass.

This is a good idea that even other university and learning institutions should copy.  If the processes of forgiveness and reconciliation are to take a proper course, people in such systems of education are fundamental in the struggle.
Educated people know batter the problems associated with such ideologies and choosing to teach it to others in the society, could help to restore more security and peace in the country. 

Please students, keep that faith of fighting the genocide ideology at all levels. Together we shall win and live in harmony.
