Investigate Kimonyi rape case thoroughly

Editor, Allow me to comment on a story that ran in Tuesday’s issue of The New Times concerning the arrest of a senior male nurse at Kimonyi Health Centre in Musanze District, who is accused of allegedly raping a pregnant woman who had gone for antenatal services.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Editor,Allow me to comment on a story that ran in Tuesday’s issue of The New Times concerning the arrest of a senior male nurse at Kimonyi Health Centre in Musanze District, who is accused of allegedly raping a pregnant woman who had gone for antenatal services.

Well, while it remains an allegations, at least until now, that the same medic had, earlier on, been moved from one hospital to another several times over related allegations, invokes the saying, ‘There’s no smoke without fire.’That said, I find it a huge shame that people who are supposed to save and, in this case, deliver lives, are the ones, who instead threaten lives. The nurse in question and others of the same ilk should not find their way is such a sensitive profession as medicine/nursing. Such cases can force expectant women to shun hospitals/health centres in preference to untrained traditional birth attendants, which would put their lives and those of the unborn babies at great risk.The Ministry of Health and health professionals in general must get rid of such elements from the sector. The police should also launch a thorough investigation into this case and get to the bottom. Equally, women and the general public need to report such cases on time so that action can always be taken when it’s still early.ThierryKHI