Children, obey not just your parents but elder people too

Children, if you didn’t know this, obedience to your parents and elder people is so important in your lives. It is one of the 10 commandments that God gave to us. Obedience means that you do what you are told without any hesitation. For example, if your mother asks you to go to the kitchen and get her a cup and you do it immediately, you are obeying your mother.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
It is a blessing for children to obey parents. Net photo.

Children, if you didn’t know this, obedience to your parents and elder people is so important in your lives. It is one of the 10 commandments that God gave to us. Obedience means that you do what you are told without any hesitation. For example, if your mother asks you to go to the kitchen and get her a cup and you do it immediately, you are obeying your mother. The Bible tells us to obey our parents so that our days on earth will not be shortened. In other words, obedience will make you live longer. This great book further tells us to do so because it is one way to please God. It is a sign of respect.However, it is not only about obeying your parents but rather people who are older than you because they are like parents too. When you obey your parents and elders, it comes with a lot of rewards. Your parents will be happy with you and will give you whatever you ask of them because of that obedience. They will feel loved and respected and this will make you happy too. If asked or called upon for some help, always respond as quickly as you can and do not just yell back. Do not sulk while doing what you have been asked to do because it will not be respectful. Always remember that obedience is only good if what you are being asked to do is good. Obedience should not lead you into sin.Remember God is happy with us if we are obedient, so start now if you haven’t been already.