Shanice Munyaneza, turned 2 years old on March 19, 2012. “I hope your Birthday is all about hugs, kisses, games and most importantly, a lot of cake! Happy Birthday little superstar.” Love from Daddy, Mummy, friends and Aunts.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Shanice Munyaneza

Shanice Munyaneza, turned 2 years old on March 19, 2012."I hope your Birthday is all about hugs, kisses, games and most importantly, a lot of cake! Happy Birthday little superstar.”Love from Daddy, Mummy, friends and Aunts."I would like to send very special greetings to my mummy, daddy, Grace, Junior and Nyenyeri.” Ruth Keza"I send greetings to all my friends at school, especially, Ruth, Sandra, Kayitesi, Benita and Aline.” Natanaiel Deabat"Special greetings go to Daddy, Mummy, Lisseil, my friends at home and at school, Gabriel, Emmy, Salema and Mika.”Dylan Mucyo"My name is Debora Gakumba. I would like to send my greetings to my mum, dad, aunt Davina, and my cousins Nosseca, Camerade, Claire, Oriela, Assumpta and Gladys.”"I want to wish my mummy all the best wishes in the world. I also send my greetings to my dad, Yvette, Resette, Aunt Sonia, Liza, Ruth and all my friends.” Denise Umutoni"I send my best wishes to my mummy, daddy, my aunts and uncles, my friends at school, my sister Diana Uwase.” Ivan Shema