Kigali International Airport conducts emergency drills

Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority (RCAA) yesterday conducted a joint emergency exercise certification requirement, testing the state’s response preparedness and communications capabilities in the event of an actual emergency.

Sunday, March 18, 2012
A plane that was used for triennial emergency response exercise at the Kigali International Airport. The Sunday Times Timothy / Kisambira.

Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority (RCAA) yesterday conducted a joint emergency exercise certification requirement, testing the state’s response preparedness and communications capabilities in the event of an actual emergency.The exercise codenamed "Aerodrome emergency Exercise Alpha” was held at Kigali International Airport (KIA).  All flight operations continued as normal during the exercise.The exercise included a live-fire simulation where the second engine of a plane in flight carrying 70 passengers breaks down and is granted emergency landing at the KIA. On landing, 17 people die, 18 are seriously injured of which 15 acquire severe burns before the plane overshoots the run away and burst into flames.Speaking to journalists after the exercise, Richard Masozera, the Director General of RCAA, said the exercise is mandatory at any international Airport to test the level of preparedness in case of an emergency.  "An organised response to critical emergencies requires regular exercises such as this one to ensure that all agencies work as a single team. This was extremely important as KIA begins to get more air traffic.Masozera stated that accidents are unexpected occurrences and they have no power over them but causalities can be minimised.He explained that his institution has experienced minor emergencies but they should always be on standby to counter bigger ones."It is meant to keep us alert about potential emergencies.  Therefore, as we carry out the emergency exercise, let us have it at the back of our minds that we need to be ready for the real unexpected situations, and that many lives depend on you,” he explained.Over 100 volunteers from various departments participated in the exercise.Participating agencies included Airport Fire Fighting and Rescue Unit, Air Traffic Control, Airport Management, Police, Rwanda Defence Forces, Akagera Aviation, Kanombe and King Faisal Hospitals, Ministry of Health, Airline Operations, the Red Cross, Immigrations and the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs.