Gov’t officials probed over conflict of interest

ACCOUNTABILITY:Investigations into the matter started late last year Some government officials are under investigation for reportedly hiring their vehicles to transport agencies, who in turn hire them to government agencies.

Sunday, March 18, 2012
Nzahabwanimana Alex.

ACCOUNTABILITY:Investigations into the matter started late last yearSome government officials are under investigation for reportedly hiring their vehicles to transport agencies, who in turn hire them to government agencies. Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency (RURA) recommends that government institutions hire vehicles from transport agenciesInvestigations into the matter started late last year and the full report will be sent to the office of Prime Minister next month for action.Aime Jean Kajangana, in charge of monitoring leadership code of conduct in the office of Ombudsman, confirmed it when contacted on Friday.He revealed his office was still compiling the full report and investigations had, so far obtained useful information. "Some people are already implicated but they still have a chance to defend themselves. I cannot give you figures or names of those implicated at this level,” Kajangana said.He said those implicated will be disciplined because the leadership code of conduct is very clear to all government officials..For instance, some institutions hire vehicles to transport their employees in the field at varying rates depending on the distance. Kajangana said some officials hire out their personal vehicles to these same transport agencies.According to Dr. Alexis Nzahabwanimana, the State Minister in charge of transport in Ministry of Infrastructure, government officials cannot hire out vehicles before the four year guarantee expires.The four year guarantee is the period a government official given to service the car loan. After this period, the car becomes personal property and is free to be used for private business.A minister’s vehicle costs about Rwf35 million tax free. The government pays 50 percent and the rest is settled by the beneficiary in a space of four years.A source at the office of Ombudsman had told this newspaper last week that hiring out official car has been going on undetected for years.