Relationships:How to make your relationship last forever

When we meet a new person in our lives, the first thing we hope for is to see that our relationship goes on as smoothly as possible and that it becomes stronger and stronger each day. Who knows such a relationship could even end in marriage which becomes a lifetime thing for all of us. The way we take on our relationships determines how far we will go.

Saturday, March 17, 2012
It is always good to start as friends in a relationship. Net Photo.

When we meet a new person in our lives, the first thing we hope for is to see that our relationship goes on as smoothly as possible and that it becomes stronger and stronger each day. Who knows such a relationship could even end in marriage which becomes a lifetime thing for all of us. The way we take on our relationships determines how far we will go. If we choose to take it on in a proper and more understanding manner then we will make it but if we choose the opposite, then be sure that we can never be successful at relationships. How then can we make our relationships last forever?First, choose a partner like you were choosing a friend. Do not choose some one who is dishonest and whose beliefs conflict with yours which can cause problems in the future. It is always good to start as friends in a relationship cause in this way you will get to know each other more, learn what each one of you likes and detests. If you get to know each other, your relationship will keep going up and stronger each day you will not have so many conflicts and misunderstandings on the way. As friends get intimate, talk to each other, be honest to each other and never hide your feelings.Respect for each other is very fundamental in building an everlasting relationship. Respect each others decisions, feelings. Don’t try to decide everything on your own, try and discuss matters with your partner if you do this, you will see that neither of you has doubts about the other. Never assume in a relationship your partner’s intentions, if you don’t understand or like the things they did, ask and talk about it so you can get a right ideaA relationship is not a guessing game, so always tell each other your needs, both of you are not mind readers; so how will your partner know what is on your mind if you don’t tell them. Know your needs and tell them to each other.Be good to yourself and to each other, share and support each other, and make new dreams together.Be a good listener to your partner, always lend an ear to what he or she has to say. Never ignore them; this is one good sign of disrespect in a relationship. So avoid it if you want your relationship to last. And don’t do things they hate. Don’t be stubborn, and don’t let your ego destroy your relationship.Allow some space for compliance and devotion women. Compliment each other, always tell each other " I love you”, in this case each one of you will not feel like you are taken for granted. You will feel so loved indeed and this will give you the strength to move on in your relationship.Discover new ways of interaction and connection, work together through hard times. Remember love is a feeling that fluctuates up and down depending on how you treat each other and solve your problems.

If you understand each other then all the hardships you encounter will easily be solved and you will see that you are one person who can stand together no matter what circumstances you are in.