History repeating itself!

Neighbour Diaries: By Shem MugishaSimply put, it was fun! She surpassed anything i had imagined, or ever experienced. She was unlike any other girl I had ever known, and I had no regrets in cancelling the tennis match with my neighbour, so I could go meet this half-Indian girl.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Simply put, it was fun! She surpassed anything i had imagined, or ever experienced. She was unlike any other girl I had ever known, and I had no regrets in cancelling the tennis match with my neighbour, so I could go meet this half-Indian girl.

Yes, she is the same girl who stood me up last time, and her excuse was that on the way to meet up with me, she had seen a massage parlor and felt like having a massage! Imaginesomeone that hectic! When she called me to meet her the very same day, I had good reason to refuse. In addition to my daily tennis games with my neighbour, this girl had just taken me for a fool. And against all logic and common sense, I went to see her. But now, in a way, I even understand why she stood me up, and I have no hard feelings with her! Could this be love? No. This is something more dangerous than love. My neighbour didn’t talk to me for two days. That means even our tennis sessions are in silence. I know exactly what I did, so there is no point in me pretending I am not aware. To her, me not showing up for the games, after I had just even called her to remind her, equates to a stand up. I am waiting for that time when she will bring it up in her usual quiet way. Then, I will have to tell her the lie that I have prepared. The lie is that suddenly, I was called to the place of a workmate that he had just fallen and broken his leg. On getting there, I realized that it was a prank, and there was instead a beer party. So, I stayed, and I was so embarrassed to tell her about it, so i didn’t. It sounded pretty reasonable to me, and I would have believed it. I thought I would need the lie in about two days’ time, so I would have some more time to refine it. But, she had other plans. On our way back home after the tennis, she brought it up. And in a way I didn’t really expect. Her guilt tripped me. She told me that she had come, and waited for me to come and we play together.

She refused to play with anyone else, because she wanted to play with me. So, when I didn’t show up, she imagined something had happened to me, and she had gone to my house to find it locked. By the time she was done with her tale, I didn’t even know where to start the lie from. It would sound really shallow. So I didn’t tell it. I just kept quiet, and we walked home in silence.

Feeling guilty, I invited her to come and I make for her a cup of tea, after she had showered and changed. She took her time to decide, then she said, "Ok, be back in about 30 minuntes,” and she headed off to her home. I got home, showered and started making tea for Neighbour girl. Then, the worst thing happened; Indian girl called! I debated whether I should answer or not, but I knew there was no way I could not know what this crazy girl was up to. So, I answered.

Wrong decision, just like I already knew! I shouldn’t have answered. She told me she was at a certain bar, and she had just ordered for me a drink, and it was already going flat! Then she hangs up! I couldn’t go! Neighbour girl was coming for tea, and she didn’t deserve to be stood up twice.

She was a good woman! Well, as a logical man, with feelings and care for other people’s feelings, I was not supposed to go. But I did. I left the house open, wrote her a note saying, "had to rush somewhere, sorry. The tea is already made, help yourself”, and took off.

I couldn’t even call her, that’s how embarrassed I felt! I couldn’t even deliver the message in person; I had to hide behind a note. But, that one I could deal with later. I was headed for another evening of unbelievable fun and madness. Just what I want in a woman!