‘Revisionists’ pelt mayor’s house with stones

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — People suspected to be genocide revisionists have stepped up their campaign in Byumba town, Gicumbi district, officials say.

Monday, April 21, 2008


GICUMBI — People suspected to be genocide revisionists have stepped up their campaign in Byumba town, Gicumbi district, officials say.

According to the District Police Commander, Superintendent Albert Ndatsikira, revisionists last week pelted the house of the Mayor Bonane Nyagezi with stones for two consecutive nights. They also raised an MRND flag at two different strategic places including in a location near the residence of IBUKA official. MRND is the political party responsible for 1994 Rwandan genocide.

"We have sensitized the local population to be vigilant on matters of genocide ideology revisionists by tightening night patrols and reporting to relevant authorities any suspicious people," said Ndatsikira.

In another incident a Catholic Priest Edward Sentarure of Burehe Parish in Rulindo district told a congregation during mass that genocide commemoration period meant nothing to him. He said it was because he too lost his relatives and kinsmen in DR Congo. Survivors have since described the utterances as an insult to the already broken souls of the genocide survivors and the entire Rwandan community.

Meanwhile, Gicumbi Court of Higher Instance last Friday sentenced the priest to 30 days imprisonment for denying the 1994 Rwandan genocide. He was taken to Miyove government Prison.
