Priest held for attempting to bribe traffic policemen

Police in Rusizi District are currently holding a priest for allegedly attempting to bribe traffic police officers with Rwf 50,000 after being involved in an automobile accident.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Police in Rusizi District are currently holding a priest for allegedly attempting to bribe traffic police officers with Rwf 50,000 after being involved in an automobile accident. He was arrested on Wednesday in Kamembe Sector at around 9:00 pm after he allegedly knocked down and seriously injured a taxi-moto rider. The injured, identified as Pascal Ngendahimana, was rushed to Gihundwe Hospital for medical treatment. One of the officers, who was first to arrive at the scene was offered Rwf 50,000, according to the police. Police Spokesperson Supt Theos Badege condemned the act, noting that priests should be characterised by integrity. He warned the general public that the National Police had devised concrete measures to deter and apprehend those attempting to bride police officers. "Corruption not only affects household incomes but also the country’s economy,” he observed, calling on citizens to join hands with the Police to combat the vice. Police statistics indicate that about 166 cases of corruption were recorded last year nationwide while about 31 have been recorded in the past two months. Though the suspect admits giving the money to a Police officer, he says he only intended to show his appreciation to him for the good job he had done.