When casual wear gets tacky

There is nothing more annoying than seeing a lady or gentleman clad in a pair of jeans, shirt/blouse and sneakers on a Monday morning.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

There is nothing more annoying than seeing a lady or gentleman clad in a pair of jeans, shirt/blouse and sneakers on a Monday morning.Dressing up so casually on a weekday creates the impression that one doesn’t really give a damn or that their sense of style is insane to put it mildly.I personally would assume that person doesn’t have a job, is going to the shops or has a day off from work.At some point, I thought this habit was only in universities but it looks like it has fully fledged to the work places.I have seen people in big offices who have the audacity to come dressed in micro mini skirts with cleavage exposing tops, too much make-up and bling bling (read jewelry) on a week day.It’s not wrong to wear your shorts or skinny jeans but at least know when to wear them.Clothes that shouldn’t be worn during the weekHere are some of the clothes that you should never even look at from Monday to Thursday.Jeans Jeans are obviously the first thing you should never wear during the early week because they are so causual.These can only be worn on a Friday and the rest of the weekend.Wear trousers that are corporate like linen or cotton throughout the week.SneakersHave you seen a guy looking so fine in a nice suit only to look down at his feet and a pair of white sneakers stares back at you?This is common with some brothers but for God’s sake, sneakers are meant strictly for sports or weekends.There’s no way you can wear sneakers and formal trousers; it’s so not right. Sneakers are casual and if you think you can’t do without them, keep them for Friday and Saturday. Let’s keep it formal and smart during the week and then go casual all weekend.