Relationship Mania

If I were a judge, I would consider granting Bad-Black bail if she wisely invested the jackpot in purchasing a classy wardrobe for her boyfriend.    

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Lillian Nakayima

I will never date a fashion failure

If I were a judge, I would consider granting Bad-Black bail if she wisely invested the jackpot in purchasing a classy wardrobe for her boyfriend. For those who don’t know, Bad Black is the girl who took Uganda to another level by allegedly conniving with her boyfriend to rob her White lover of millions of dollars. Now, my cowardice prohibits me from stealing and I pity the guts that could lure anyone into empting another’s account BUT, I would do the same, only for boyfriend closet enhancement reasons. Yes, I would go out my way, to make Him a fashion icon. You think I’m crazy?  Seriously, would you date a fashion criminal?  Someone who cares less about the way they dress? No charm or charisma can convince me to date a dude, with worn -out shoes, whose trip to the trash can is long overdue. How would he take care of me any way, if he can’t care for himself? You’ll understand me better when he shows up for your birthday party looking like a clown. I don’t mean to be rude but no reasonable woman should date a fashion setback. It’s not an easy task to spending decades teaching the old dog new tricks.  Smartness on the first meeting is a sign that he will keep his great appearance for years to come. I can’t picture ‘forever’ filled with orthopedic shoes or unkempt hair. Would I set myself up to the extent of loving someone I am not proud of? To me, fashion is pride and pride is happiness. His dress code will also raise my status (yes, there was a selfish motive in there too). Class is class. As a woman, it’s your sworn duty to hang around reasonable people. I would rather date a fashion copy cat than some villager whose pathetic closet dictates ‘no change,’ regardless of the occasion. This reminds me of some fool who suggested and later ruined a dinner date at Serena.  He surfaced with buggy shorts and a bandana! Really? A friend’s boyfriend showed up for a wedding clad in suspenders, low-cut jeans and sandals! Don’t such fashion murderers deserve indefinite dumping? My standard Alpha male is one who is closet sensitive. He invests in looking and smelling good. His perfume, shaving gel and even pajamas are stylish. A man whose photos I would comfortably share with my facebook friends. Spare me those stellar personalities who still need a mother to remind them to shave. A man who could easily be mistaken for a suicide bomber, because of his outgrown beard is a no go area! I would rather embark on productive business like hatching super high breed poultry than date a fashion failure. PERIOD!