Black & White Diary

Money won’t make me wealthy! No man is a failure until he starts hating on successful people. Sometime back, I met one of Rwanda’s tycoons.

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Martin Bishop

Money won’t make me wealthy!No man is a failure until he starts hating on successful people. Sometime back, I met one of Rwanda’s tycoons. I asked him to tear out a few pages from his ‘How to get filthy rich book’ for me. He laughed so hard that I felt like the world’s greatest idiot! I wanted to curl up in a corner and vanish into the wall. After his hearty laugh, he looked me deep in the eyes and said, "Son, money doesn’t make you rich. Not all people with money are rich.” He gave me a pat on the shoulder and returned to his folks.When I lost my middle class status and found myself in a no-class dump where I currently reside, I knew it was time for me to throw in the towel. Everyone had deserted me; friends, ex-colleagues and even the one I thought was the love of my life. Being flat-broke is the time when a young man pays more attention to his food than the waitress.Laura came in my life around the time I was drowning in self pity and half buried in negative thoughts. Though I was smitten by her beauty and well mannered nature, the only thing I wanted was to be left alone. I did everything in my power to drive this girl away but she never moved an inch. One day I lost it and screamed at her. "What do you want from me? You know I have nothing. I lost everything; I’m jobless and I hate everything and everyone including you,” I barked. "You didn’t loose everything,” she replied calmly. "The greatest treasure you can ever loose is a healthy mind. Stop worrying. Just let all the anger and pain you feel inside go.” "Free yourself from the past. Bury all your worries, fears and unhappiness. Start thinking right and everything will fall into place. Because when you think right, you act right. Before you know it, you will be back on your feet” she said and then serenely left. Every word she said pierced my heart like a dagger! Who is this girl? Where did she get all this wisdom? My tiny inner voice told me she was a true friend. A true friend visits in prosperity and that’s only when invited but in time of trouble they come without an invitation.