First impressions last

Just like any other girl, I had clearly formed the image of Mr. Right in my mind. There is the long checklist with content like; dark, tall, able bodied, killer smile, rich, smart and so on.

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Looking great speaks volumes about a manu2019s character. Net photo.

Just like any other girl, I had clearly formed the image of Mr. Right in my mind. There is the long checklist with content like; dark, tall, able bodied, killer smile, rich, smart and so on. The list is endless but every girl knows what she likes and desires in a man.I have always considered presentation and first appearance as important. How he looks in terms of presentation on the outside is important, in short, the packaging must be appealing.A man must be smart, clean and definitely smell good. With this he stands a chance of being listened to. Appearance speaks volumes. When a man is smart, he is eye-candy and the chances of getting a positive response to a proposal are high. Though several men take dressing for granted, they must understand that outer appearance tells a lot about a man’s character. Besides most women will pay more attention to a man with an appealing look because it shows that they have put effort in their appearance. Any man who raises a woman’s optical appetite is worth listening to—it’s just a simple law of nature.However, setting looks aside; we must understand that not every smart person is a good as character matters too. First impression matter a lot and it’s just a factor that most if not all women consider when looking at potential suitor. My friend Sharon said that the first thing she takes notice of is a man’s dress code. "I look at him from head to toe because I love guys who are smart and presentable. Smartness is eye catching. If I take time to listen to him, he most likely is smart in his speech,” she said. Being smart does not mean wearing expensive clothes but rather knowing how to match an outfit, what colour blends with an individual’s skin complexion, and knowing what suits one’s physical structure. One can be smart even without visiting expensive arcades for shopping. It’s about having a sense of smartness. Therefore, men, when you show up shabby for a date, appointment, meeting or interview, be rest assured, you will get less than 50 percent attention. So mind how you look.